Brian Clark speaks at Sedona Conference Working Group panel
LGN attorney Brian Clark joined Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck (S.D.N.Y.) and others on a panel at the Sedona Conference Working Group 1’s meeting in Minneapolis May 4-5, 2017. The panel’s topic was “Examining Amended Rule 34,” which the panel members are also drafting a primer for publication.
The 2015 amendments included several changes to Fed. R. Civ. P. 34 concerning making and responding to requests for production of documents and things. To aid practitioners in getting up to speed with the amendments to Rule 34 and putting them into practice, a Working Group 1 drafting team put together this “Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34 Primer.” This Panel will discuss the Primer and the case law on Rule 34, and provide an opportunity for working group members to comment on the Primer before it is finalized and published.