Bourne and Baxter-Kauf Successfully Argue Criminal Appeal in Pro Bono Matter

LGN attorneys Joe Bourne and Kate Baxter-Kauf successfully briefed and argued a pro bono criminal appeal on behalf of a client who was unlawfully stopped by the police while driving his vehicle. The Minnesota Court of Appeals held that the officer did not have reasonable, articulable suspicion for a traffic stop because there was no identified violation of law particularized to the appellant’s conduct, the appellant was not engaged in evasive conduct, and the appellant’s license plate was legible. The LGN team considers this to be an important victory both for their client and for other individuals whom the police may seek to stop while driving their vehicles. Read the full opinion here.

LGN attorneys participate in criminal appeals through the MSBA Appellate Section’s Pro Bono Project with the Appellate Public Defender.