MN Radiological Society Day at the Capitol

MN Radiological Society

The LGN Government Relations team was pleased to host the Minnesota Radiological Society (MRS) during their Day at the Capitol. MRS is an organization with 500 members and works to advocate for healthcare legislation on topics such as imaging, mammography access, and scope of practice policy. This event allowed MRS members the unique opportunity to interact directly with state legislators, discussing their roles as physicians in the practice of radiology and highlighting the challenges they face in our healthcare system. The goal of the MRS Day at the Capitol is to improve lawmakers’ understanding of MRS legislative priorities and facilitate meaningful conversations about issues impacting physicians in this field of medicine.

LGN Joins Neighborhood House for March Food Drive

Neighborhood House March Food Drive

In 2023, Minnesota witnessed a record-setting 7.5 million visits to food shelves – – shattering the record of 5.5 million visits set in 2022.  

To help alleviate food insecurity in our community, LGN is again raising funds for the March Food Drive organized by Neighborhood House, a St. Paul-based multi-service agency that has helped immigrant and refugee families since 1897.  LGN has supported its work for more than ten years.

Like other food shelves in the state, Neighborhood House’s food shelf is grappling with the daunting challenge of keeping up with the need. They are now serving over seventeen hundred unique families in a month—nearly double from this time last year.

Join us in helping support Neighborhood House and its mission to serve our community by donating at the link below.

Your generosity can alleviate the severity of this crisis and foster a community where no one is left hungry or forgotten.  Thank you for considering helping Neighborhood House with us.

LGN Senior Counsel, Maureen Kane Berg, Directs Comedy Opera

We proudly support LGN Senior Counsel, Maureen Kane Berg, as she opens the comic opera, “Utopia, Limited,” at the Gilbert & Sullivan Very Light Opera Company tonight. As the director of the production, Maureen leads a talented cast of actors as they explore the timeless question: what if perfection isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?

Maureen shared, “I love this updated and reimagined comic opera because it presents a universal human story: Even people living in Utopia can’t help wondering what they may be missing. I also love that the hero is a young woman – Princess Zara—who brings “reforms” from England to rescue her father, the King, and her country from Utopia’s own plutocrat profiteers. As a writer as well as a director of musical comedy, I have found it a joy to collaborate with the GSVLOC on this fresh take of a classic piece.”

Maureen has poured heart and soul into this collaboration with the GSVLOC, infusing the production with wit, charm, and a dash of irreverence. Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of “Utopia, Limited” – a delightful blend of humor, romance, and social commentary that will leave you singing and smiling long after the curtain falls.

Utopia, Limited” is scheduled to run until March 24th at the Conn Theater at Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis. For more details and ticket information, please click below.

LGN Invited to Speak at Humphrey School of Public Affairs

LGN at the Humphrey School

LGN Government Relations team members, Amos Briggs and Jess Lindeen, were invited to speak with a graduate class at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota called “State Governing and Legislating: Working the Process.” The course is instructed by Briana Bierschbach who is a political reporter for the Star Tribune. 

This course aims to give students practical experience in government. Speakers visit the class each week to talk about a different aspect of working at the Capitol. LGN was invited to “lobby” day to share more about the important work we do on behalf of our clients. It was a great discussion with a class full of future leaders.

The Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota ranks among the country’s top professional public policy and planning schools, widely recognized for its success in advancing the common good through a comprehensive, world-class program. The school offers six distinctive master’s degrees, a doctoral degree, and five certificate programs that match students’ passion with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to solve real-world challenges. We were honored to be invited as guests and are excited to see where the future leads these students.

LGN Government Relations at Humphrey School

LGN Participates in Voting Rights Symposium

Voting Rights - FairVote Minnesota

Our Government Relations team attended FairVote Minnesota’s Symposium on Voting Rights: Our Past, Our Present, Our Future at the University of St. Thomas this week. The event brought together a diverse and influential gathering of thought leaders, students, community members, and political figures including Governor Tim Walz, Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan, and Attorney General Keith Ellison.

Participants engaged in meaningful conversations that looked back at our history and the evolution of voting rights, tackled the challenges our democracy currently faces, explored critical reforms and opportunities, and discussed how we can work together to build a more representative and inclusive future for our state and our country.

It was a great event to start Black History Month as we work towards building a more inclusive, multi-racial democracy in our state and for our future.

Pictured is LGN State Government Relations team member Jess Lindeen with House Majority Whip Representative Athena Hollins.

Debate Champions

MN State Debate Champions

Over the weekend, LGN Partner Kate Baxter-Kauf‘s daughter, Kiernan, and her partner Max Ulven emerged as MSHSL State Debate Champions in Policy Debate after 8 challenging rounds. Kate is a coach and advisory board member for the Minnesota Urban Debate League (MNUDL), whose programs support competitive academic debate in urban Twin Cities schools and enable more than 1000 students per year to research, learn, and argue.  LGN is a longtime supporter of the MNUDL – partner Gregg Fishbein is a founding and longtime advisory board member, and LGN has long been an annual sponsor of the Mayor’s Challenge, the MNUDL’s longest-running annual fundraiser.

LGN proudly supports MNUDL’s programs which empower students, like Kiernan, to become policymakers addressing global issues. These initiatives help foster self-confidence and inspire debaters to extend their advocacy skills into their local communities.

Congratulations to all teams that competed at the State Debate Championship. What an inspiring group of future leaders!

MN Urban Debate League
Ramsey County Family Sponsorship Program

LGN GIVES BACK – Family Sponsorship Program

This past holiday season, LGN proudly continued its tradition of participating in Ramsey County’s Family Sponsorship Program. Through this program, community sponsors are paired with individuals and families in need. Sponsors have the unique privilege of personally selecting and wrapping gifts for their matched families.

This year, LGN, along with 320 other sponsors, contributed to making the holidays more joyous for a total of 1,795 individuals across 454 families who receive social services.

A special thank you to our dedicated wrapping crew: Barb, Kelly, Heather, and Amber for helping ensure beautiful gifts were delivered to our selected family!

You can learn more and see how you can get involved for 2024 at:…/holiday-sponsorship-program

LGN Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day

On Monday, several LGN government relations team members were fortunate enough to spend the first official Minnesota state holiday of Indigenous Peoples’ Day with the Indian Health Board at a site blessing for the new Menaandawiwe Wellness Campus in Minneapolis. The Lockridge Grindal Nauen GR team has the privilege of representing the Indian Health Board at the Capitol, and were thrilled to be able to support their efforts to secure state capital support for this visionary project, which will expand available medical, dental, counseling, and recovery services. LGN team members joined Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, US Senator Tina Smith, DHS Commissioner Jodi Harpstead, Senators Kunesh, Wiklund, and Mohamed, and Representative Sencer-Mura (and Representative Heather Keeler who was with us in spirit but honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day in her own community). Finally, we heartily thank Dr. Patrick Rock, IHB’s CEO and Medical Director, for the opportunity to support your leadership and vision.

LGN Partner Interviewed for Article Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Minnesota Environmental Policy Act

LGN partner David Zoll was interviewed for an article celebrating and reflecting on the 50th anniversary of the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act.  The Act, which requires the preparation of an environmental impact statement for projects with the potential to adversely affect the environment, is one of the cornerstones of Minnesota environmental law.  The article draws on the experiences of advocates, regulated parties, government officials, and attorneys to highlight the Act’s history and continuing importance.

Class Act, LGN’s Softball Team, Completes 2023 Season

Class Act, Lockridge Grindal Nauen’s softball team for the Hennepin County Bar Association’s Annual Lawyer League, finished out a fantastic 2023 season!  Law firms and government units field teams that come together from across the Twin Cities to play and build camaraderie, and LGN has had a team with Gustafson Gluek and Zimmerman Reed for more than a decade! This year, associates Aaron Hove and Paul Buchel captained the team to a 6-3-1 season and a playoff berth.