LGN D.C. team coat drive supports Central Union Mission

As part of LGN’s 40440 initiative, the firm’s Washington, DC-based Federal Relations team was joined by attorneys Karen Hanson RiebelHeidi SiltonAnna Horning Nygren, and Simeon Morbey to deliver several bags of donated winter coats, hats, and gloves to Central Union Mission in our nation’s capitol.

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Ann Lenczewski Talks Taxes at League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference

LGN’s Ann Lenczewski spoke at the annual conference of the League of Minnesota Cities last week as part of a session discussing the local government impacts of federal and state tax reform.

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LGN’s Ann Lenczewski spoke at the annual conference of the League of Minnesota Cities last week as part of a session discussing the local government impacts of federal and state tax reform.

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LGN attorneys speak to Minnesota Police Chiefs at state association’s annual Executive Training Institute and Law Enforcement Expo

Partners Charlie Nauen and Rebecca Kanninen spoke to attendees at the MCPA Awards Banquet and President’s Welcome Breakfast respectively. Additionally, LGN’s David Zoll and Ann Lenczewski gave a presentation to the police chiefs and other representatives of local governments and agencies in attendance entitled – Legislation, Litigation, and Local Governments: Protecting Your Interests.

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Partners Charlie Nauen and Rebecca Kanninen spoke to attendees at the MCPA Awards Banquet and President’s Welcome Breakfast respectively. Additionally, LGN’s David Zoll and Ann Lenczewski gave a presentation to the police chiefs and other representatives of local governments and agencies in attendance entitled – Legislation, Litigation, and Local Governments: Protecting Your Interests.

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