Historic Court Decision Reached in Anderson v. Thrifty White

In a historic decision, the Minnesota Court of Appeals held as a matter of law that when a pharmacist refuses to fill a prescription for emergency contraception, that is illegal sex discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
In this case, Anderson v. Thrifty White, Andrea Anderson sued Aitkin Pharmacy (formerly Thrifty White) under the Minnesota Human Rights Act after the lead pharmacist George Badeaux refused to accommodate her prescription request. She had received a valid prescription for Ella, an emergency contraceptive tablet, from her healthcare provider which Badeaux refused to fill, citing his beliefs.
Alongside co-counsel Jess Braverman and Christy Hall from Gender Justice, LGN partner Rachel Kitze Collins, supported by many LGN lawyers, paralegals, and staff, tried the case before an Aitkin jury and appealed the decision to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals entered judgment as a matter of law for Ms. Anderson, affirming our long-held belief that no reasonable jury could conclude other than that our client was discriminated against by the lead pharmacist. It is the first ruling in the United States to find sex discrimination in the context of a pharmacist’s refusal to fill a prescription for emergency contraception.
You can read more about the groundbreaking decision on Gender Justice’s website by clicking here: https://www.genderjustice.us/anderson-update-march-2024/