LGN Congratulates MSFA Chair Vekich on his Reappointment
Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. congratulates Michael Vekich on his reappointment by Governor Tim Walz to continue serving as Chair of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA).
LGN’s state government relations team has represented the MSFA at the Capitol since it was established under the stadium bill passed in 2012. Since that time, LGN has served as the MSFA’s trusted partner, assisting the Authority at the Capitol and at Minneapolis City Hall from the stadium’s design and construction phase all the way through U.S. Bank Stadium’s current operation as a world-class venue and multipurpose facility for the State of Minnesota.
A genuine public servant, Chair Vekich has led the Authority since 2017, having previously served in leadership roles on behalf Minnesota’s last three governors. Management of an enterprise as vast as U.S. Bank Stadium goes well beyond what most fans and concertgoers will see, and Vekich’s experience and skillset has been integral to the stadium’s continued success.