LGN Partner Kate Baxter-Kauf Participates in Sedona Conference Working Group 11

On April 26 and 27, 2022, LGN partner Kate Baxter-Kauf participated as a dialogue leader and panel leader on two panels for the Sedona Conference Working Group 11 on Data Security and Privacy Liability’s Annual Meeting, which was held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Kate participated as a dialogue leader to discuss the latest draft of a commentary she helped draft on Notice and Consent related to biometric facial recognition data, and also led the panel discussing the Second edition of The Sedona Conference Commentary on Application of Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Protection to Documents and Communications Generated in the Cybersecurity Context, for which she is a drafting team co-leader. The mission of Working Group 11 is to identify and comment on trends in data security and privacy law, in an effort to help organizations prepare for and respond to data breaches, and to assist attorneys and judicial officers in resolving questions of legal liability and damages, and it works to develop best practices in the area.