LGN Partners Karen Hanson Riebel and Kate Baxter-Kauf Present on Data Security Best Practices

Partner Karen Hanson Riebel, who heads the Lockridge Grindal Nauen data breach practice group, presented with partner Kate Baxter-Kauf at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Health Benefits Conference and Expo, which took place from January 31-February 2, 2022 in Clearwater Beach, Florida.
Kate is the immediate past chair of the Pro-Choice Minnesota Foundation, where she volunteers, and frequently speaks on reproductive access, freedom, and lKate and Karen’s presentation, titled “Health Benefits and the Value of Robust Data Security Practices,” discussed the benefits for organizations providing employee health benefits in maintaining robust data security practices, and the potential pitfalls and liability concerns from a failure to do so. Both Kate and Karen are frequent speakers on data breach and cybersecurity topics at conferences throughout the United States.