LGN Sponsors Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Event

Pictured from LGN are Jess Lindeen and Alex Hassel
Lockridge Grindal Nauen was proud to support the Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s premier fundraising event, Hard Hat & Black Tie Gala. This year, the event raised over $1.1 million for this very deserving organization. The evening was filled with fun, networking, and lots of laughter as guests arrived in their best ‘construction couture’ all in the spirit of supporting Habitat’s mission.
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is committed to building the quality of life, health, and economic prosperity of the seven-county metro region by producing, preserving, and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities.
You can learn more including ways to support Habitat’s mission on their website: https://www.tchabitat.org/