LGN Sponsors Women Winning Event

LGN was proud to be a Champion sponsor of Women Winning’s Wine, Chocolate, and Choice event last week. It was an inspiring night of networking with powerful women from across the state. The fundraiser celebrated International Women’s Day and its long history of recognizing the power women have when gathered together.
Since 1982, Women Winning has been building a coalition of people of all backgrounds, identities, and political affiliations united in their mission to recruit, train, and elect pro-choice women to all levels of public office, from park board to President of the United States. They’ve supported thousands of pro-choice women candidates in an effort to elect the best advocates, protect and advance reproductive rights, and create a more equitable Minnesota. Women Winning’s endorsed candidates and elected officials follow and innovate on the achievements celebrated by International Women’s Day, including advocating for reproductive rights, better working conditions, and fair wages, and fighting for women and girls everywhere.
Pictured are LGN team members (left to right): Amos Briggs, Dan Pollock, Emma Ritter Gordon, Rachel Kitze Collins, Jess Lindeen, Kate Baxter-Kauf, Jasmine Epps-Flowers, Laura Matson.