LGN’s Kate Baxter-Kauf Participates on Constitutional Law Panel

LGN Partner Kate Baxter-Kauf, who practices in the firm’s data breach, antitrust law, business litigation, and securities litigation practice groups, was a panelist on a live webinar entitled Texas Abortion Law: Implications and Consequences, presented by the American Constitution Society’s Minneapolis-St. Paul chapter.
The event grappled with the significant legal and societal implications of this law with perspectives from the non-profit, judicial, and academic sectors, and Kate was joined by Hon. David Lillehaug, Senior Counsel, Fredrikson & Byron, PA and former Associate Justice, Minnesota Supreme Court; Jill Hasday, Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Centennial Professor in Law at the University of Minnesota Law School; and Teresa Nelson, Legal Director, ACLU of Minnesota. Kate is the immediate past chair of the Pro-Choice Minnesota Foundation, where she volunteers, and frequently speaks on reproductive access, freedom, and legal topics, especially related to Minnesota. LGN Associate Rachel Kitze Collins also serves as the co-chair of the ACS Minneapolis-St. Paul Lawyer Chapter.