LGN Partner Karen Hanson Riebel named as Co-Lead Counsel in MOVEit Data Breach Case

Lockridge Grindal Nauen is proud to announce that LGN Partner Karen Hanson Riebel was appointed as co-lead counsel by the Honorable Allison D. Burroughs of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts in the In Re: MOVEit Customer Data Security Breach Litigation, along with four other lawyers.
The multidistrict litigation involves hundreds of class actions from around the country regarding a massive data breach conducted by a Russian cybergang. The group exploited a vulnerability in the file transfer software MOVEit that impacted more than 2,500 organizations and more than 67 million individuals worldwide. This data breach is widely considered to be the largest hack of 2023. Karen was selected over dozens of other applicants from top firms.
Karen has previously served in multiple leadership roles, including co-lead counsel, in data breach, cybersecurity, and privacy class actions across the country.
Congratulations to Karen and the data breach team, which includes partner Kate Baxter-Kauf, senior counsel Maureen Kane Berg, and associates Arielle S. Wagner, Eura Chang, and Emma Ritter Gordon, along with Carey R. Johnson, Amber M. Raak, and Accomplish T. Ajagbusi.