Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. is a proud signatory to the letter linked below. Directed to law school deans across the country from prominent US law firms, the letter condemns bigotry in any form, particularly hate speech. It was drafted in response to the alarming increase in anti-semitism on college and university campuses in the last several weeks.
The following excerpt from the letter reflects the core values of the Firm:
As educators at institutions of higher learning, it is imperative that you provide your students with the tools and guidance to engage in the free exchange of ideas, even on emotionally charged issues, in a manner that affirms the values we all hold dear and rejects unreservedly that which is antithetical to those values. There is no room for anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism or any other form of violence, hatred or bigotry on your campuses, in our workplaces or our communities.
Many thanks to Joseph C. Shenker, of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, for drafting and circulating this important message.
The letter is linked below: