LGN attorney Stephen M. Owen Presents Live Webcast CLE

LGN attorney Stephen M. Owen recently presented a live webcast CLE through Minnesota CLE titled Creating Job Descriptions, Postings, and Applications. The CLE was part of a series focused on hiring and firing.

LGN Partner Kristen G. Marttila Named to Hennepin County Bench

Lockridge Grindal Nauen is pleased to announce that partner Kristen G. Marttila has been named by Governor Tim Walz to the Hennepin County Bench, and will serve as a judge in the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Minnesota. 

Ms. Marttila currently practices primarily in the firm’s antitrust, environmental and land use, business law, and health care law practice areas, and serves as the firm’s pro bono committee chair. She formerly clerked for Chief Judge Patrick Schiltz and Judge Eric Tostrud in the District of Minnesota and is both a mentor to younger lawyers and also a spectacular practitioner. LGN is sorry to see Kristen leave our firm but is exceptionally proud that she will be serving the people of Minnesota on the bench. 

Read more at the link to Governor Walz’s announcement here: https://mn.gov/governor/appointments/judicialappointments/judicialnews.jsp#/detail/appId/1/id/601721

LGN Welcomes Emma Ritter Gordon as Firm’s Newest Associate

Emma Ritter Gordon is an Associate at Lockridge Grindal Nauen practicing in the firm’s data breach group.

After graduating summa cum laude from Duke Law School, Emma clerked at the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals for the Honorable Judge David R. Stras. At Duke, she served as the Senior Articles Editor for the Duke Law Journal and as Co-President of the Duke Law and Technology Society. She has interned at the Department of Justice in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section and at the North Carolina Solicitor General’s Office. Before going to law school, Emma worked for a major healthcare technology company.

LGN Government Relations Team Attends Nexus Family Healing Ribbon Cutting

Last week the LGN Government Relations team was excited to join its client, Nexus Family Healing, at the ribbon cutting for their new Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility. Nexus-East Bethel will provide individualized, trauma-informed psychiatric residential treatment services for youth with a higher level of mental and behavioral health needs. The event was made particularly special by the presence of Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, DHS Commissioner Harpstead, Senate Human Services Chair Hoffman, and House Human Services Chair Fischer. LGN also recently sponsored Nexus Family Healing’s “Night for Nexus” event which supports efforts to expand services and ensure every child can access the care they need.  

LGN Joins Law Firms Nationwide to Stand Against Antisemitism, Bigotry and Hate Speech in Any Form   

Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. is a proud signatory to the letter linked below.  Directed to law school deans across the country from prominent US law firms, the letter condemns bigotry in any form, particularly hate speech.  It was drafted in response to the alarming increase in anti-semitism on college and university campuses in the last several weeks.  

The following excerpt from the letter reflects the core values of the Firm:

As educators at institutions of higher learning, it is imperative that you provide your students with the tools and guidance to engage in the free exchange of ideas, even on emotionally charged issues, in a manner that affirms the values we all hold dear and rejects unreservedly that which is antithetical to those values. There is no room for anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism or any other form of violence, hatred or bigotry on your campuses, in our workplaces or our communities.

Many thanks to Joseph C. Shenker, of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, for drafting and circulating this important message. 

The letter is linked below:

Heidi Silton Leads Panel Discussion at AAI’s 17th Annual Private Antitrust Enforcement Conference

Heidi Silton led a panel discussion at the American Antitrust Institute’s 17th Annual Private Antitrust Enforcement Conference on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at the National Press Club in Washington DC.  Heidi and others discussed “Big Tech: Antitrust Lessons from the Battlefield,” and shared insights on the status and trajectories of multiple antitrust actions currently pending against tech giants Google, Apple, Facebook, and more.

Heidi also served as the Chair of AAI’s Antitrust Enforcement Awards Committee and presented awards to the 2023 Honorees. Congratulations to those honored as the leading legal antitrust practitioners and economists of 2023.  

For more information, visit the AAI’s website.

Heidi Silton Speaks at Lunch & Learn Series, Sponsored by the American Antitrust Institute

Heidi Silton spoke with Kellie Lerner, Liz Castillo and Dan Gustafson about how to move an antitrust case forward once it is filed.  This is part of the Lunch and Learn Series sponsored by the American Antitrust Institute.  The goal of the Lunch and Learn Series is to provide practical litigation strategies and best practices tailored for both new and experienced lawyers seeking to enhance their fundamental skills.  

For more information, or to join future Lunch and Learn programs, visit: https://www.antitrustinstitute.org/event/virtual-cle-lunch-learn-now-i-filed-my-complaint-what-can-i-do-as-i-wait-for-the-inevitable-motion-to-dismiss/


Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. is proud to announce that our firm has been ranked a Metropolitan Tier 1 law firm for Minneapolis by Best Lawyers® in the following practice areas: Environmental Law, Environmental Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation & Plaintiff Class Actions, and Plaintiff Product Liability Litigation. Congrats to all our attorneys and staff who helped us achieve this distinction, as well LGN Partners Susan Ellingstad, Yvonne Flaherty, Dick Lockridge, Charlie Nauen and Karen Riebel, who were named to the Best Lawyers in America® list! 

LGN Participation at Mitchell Hamline Antitrust Law Symposium

LGN’s Kristen Marttila and Joe Bourne were recently featured as panelists at the Mitchell Hamline Antitrust Law Symposium. Joe Bourne joined MN Attorney General Keith Ellison and MN State Representative Emma Greenman for an informative discussion on “Antitrust Enforcement Trends in Minnesota and Around the Country.” Kristen Marttila moderated a panel on “Antitrust as a Career for Law Students.” Thanks to all who joined us!

LGN Partner Heidi Silton Leads Panel at COSAL Leadership & Diversity Summit

LGN Partner Heidi Silton recently participated in COSAL’s 2023 Leadership & Diversity Summit in New York City.  She led a panel titled “Settlement Strategy for Emerging Leaders.” Heidi was joined by panelists from around the country including Greg Asciolla (DiCello Levitt), Fatima Brizuela (Scott + Scott), and Michelle Looby (Gustafson Gluek PLLC). Heidi is a past-President of COSAL, and continues to work tirelessly on enforcement, policy and leadership in the antitrust field. Thank you to all who joined us for this thought-provoking event!