LGN Sponsors Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation TopGolf Fore a Cure Event

LGN was proud to sponsor the Crohn’s & Colitis TopGolf Fore a Cure event on Monday. LGN Associate Paul Buchel is a member of the Young Professionals Board which assists the Foundation in its work.

Since its founding in 1967, the Foundation has played a role in every major breakthrough in IBD research and has invested more than $400 million into finding the causes, treatments, and cures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

LGN Sponsors Minnesota Law Review Banquet

LGN was thrilled to sponsor the Minnesota Law Review banquet last night.  Law Clerks Tyler Blackmon and Abby Ward are members of MLR and we had a great night celebrating their success and Volume 107!

LGN Partner David Zoll Participates in Panel with Sensible Land Use Coalition

LGN Partner David Zoll joined a panel of land use experts with the Sensible Land Use Coalition to discuss comprehensive planning.  David’s presentation focused on the potential implications of pending litigation which could subject local planning activities to new challenges in the courts.

LGN Law Clerk Authors Minnesota Law Review Blog Post

LGN Law Clerk Abby Ward recently authored a blog post inspired by her experience at the firm working on a pro bono criminal expungement case. Her blog post originally appeared on the Minnesota Law Review’s website and can be read in full below.


The racially discriminatory impact from the War on Drugs is clear,[1] and while marijuana legalization is one step in addressing the inequities of America’s criminal justice system, the work does not end there. States should also enact broader expungement reforms. This 2023 session, Minnesota is likely going to legalize recreational marijuana.[2] The current House bill (Cannabis Bill) would automatically expunge[3] lower offenses of marijuana use after an individual meets certain requirements.[4] As state legislatures increasingly consider recreational marijuana legalization, activists argue those bills must include proposals to help people easily expunge their records, like the Cannabis Bill provision.[5] As a result, marijuana legalization is a groundbreaking area for criminal justice reform and should be utilized to advance other criminal record reform.[6]

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LGN Government Relations Professionals Attend Citizens League Civic Celebration

LGN Government Relations team members Peter Glessing, Reen Reinhardt, and Dan Larson attended the Citizens League Civic Celebration last night. LGN was proud to be a sponsor of the event and is proud of our firm’s involvement in the Citizens League Capitol Pathways Program—the only paid internship program in the state that opens a legislative policy career pathway for BIPOC college students.

Lockridge Grindal Nauen Associates Surpass Goals for Legal Aid Associates’ Campaign!

Congratulations to the LGN Associates for hitting 100% participation and surpassing the firm’s goal for giving to the 2022-23 Legal Aid Associates’ Campaign!  LGN raised $4,305.04, beating the firm’s overall giving record to the Campaign!  The Campaign as a whole raised $126,359, providing crucial support for Legal Aid services in the coming year.  LGN Associates will be honored at the Legal Aid Law Day Dinner in May. 

Neighborhood House 2023 March Food Drive

Our firm invites you to join us in raising funds for Neighborhood House, a St. Paul-based multi-service agency that has helped immigrant and refugee families since 1897. Neighborhood House has become a full-service hub for those seeking assistance with basic needs, from food to housing, as well as helping create future opportunities through family coaching and education programming. LGN is proud to have supported this work for over a decade.

Each March, Neighborhood House raises money and collects healthy, fresh, and culture-appropriate foods for its diverse group of more than 16,000 annual visitors. These donations are critical in allowing these visitors to maintain their dignity, health, and culture during a challenging time in their lives. 

Like many other food shelves across the metro, Neighborhood House is seeing increased visits from the same families and more new faces visiting its two free food markets. Added challenges such as inflation, food availability, and economic hardships have continued to plague families who were already struggling. More Minnesotans were dependent on food shelves and food stamps in 2022 than the previous years.

You can help support Neighborhood House and its mission to serve our community by donating at this link: https://give.neighborhoodhousemn.org/LGN

Thank you for considering helping Neighborhood House continue its legacy of giving to those in the community who have the greatest need.

LGN Proud to Sponsor Women Winning Wine, Chocolate, & Choice Event

From left to right: Lisa Matson, Eura Chang, Dan Pollock, Laura Matson, Amos Briggs

LGN government relations professionals and attorneys recently attended Women Winning’s Wine, Chocolate, & Choice event, which is one of the largest events for Minnesota advocates for choice and women’s leadership. LGN was proud to sponsor the event. 

Women Winning’s mission is to encourage, promote, support, and elect pro-choice women of all political parties to all levels of public office.

LGN Attorneys Attend Minnesota Lawyer’s Attorneys of the Year Event

LGN attorneys were thrilled to atttend the Minnesota Lawyers Attorneys of the Year event at the Hyatt Regency on February, 15 2023. Attorneys Arielle Wagner, Kate Baxter-Kauf, and Kristen Marttila were honored for their work on a pro bono appeal with the Minnesota Appellate Public Defender’s Office that resulted in the overturn of a conviction after an illegal stop. LGN congratulates all the honorees and is thrilled to work alongside such great lawyers.

To learn more about the pro bono appeal that Arielle, Kate, and Kristen successfully litigated, click here.

LGN Welcomes the Firm’s Newest Associates

Lockridge Grindal Nauen is pleased to welcome the firm’s newest Associates.

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