Five LGN Attorneys named North Star Lawyers for Pro Bono Work

The Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) has recognized Stephanie ChenArielle WagnerKate Baxter-KaufRachel Kitze CollinsElizabeth Odette (not pictured) as North Star Lawyers for their pro bono work.

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13 LGN Attorneys recognized as Super Lawyers and Rising Stars, including four of the state’s Top 100 MN Super Lawyers and four of the Top 50 MN Women Super Lawyers

Lockridge Grindal Nauen is proud to announce that thirteen of the firm’s attorneys were selected as 2019 Minnesota Super Lawyers and Rising Stars.

A special congratulations to LGN partners Charles NauenSusan EllingstadYvonne Flaherty, and Karen Hanson Riebel who were named as four of Minnesota’s Top 100 Super Lawyers. This is the seventh year in a row that Charles Nauen has been named as a Top 100 Minnesota Super Lawyer.

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen Welcomes Maureen Kane Berg, Kailey Mrosak, and Jessica Servais as the Firm’s Newest Attorneys

Lockridge Grindal Nauen is pleased to welcome Maureen Kane BergJessica Servais, and Kailey Mrosak as the firm’s newest attorneys.

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen is pleased to welcome Maureen Kane BergJessica Servais, and Kailey Mrosak as the firm’s newest attorneys.

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Ted Grindal commemorates opening of Minikahda Club golf course with fellow board members

Ted Grindal was one of 12 past presidents to commemorate the opening of The Minikahda Club’s golf course Wednesday June 26th.  The membership voted to re-grass the golf course 19 months ago and the course has been closed 11 months. Ted was President of the Club during the initial closure and still serves on the Board of Governors of the Club as Immediate Past President.

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Ted Grindal was one of 12 past presidents to commemorate the opening of The Minikahda Club’s golf course Wednesday June 26th.  The membership voted to re-grass the golf course 19 months ago and the course has been closed 11 months. Ted was President of the Club during the initial closure and still serves on the Board of Governors of the Club as Immediate Past President.

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LGN’s Federal Relations Team Monitors Surprise Billing Legislation

LGN’s Federal Government Relations Group is closely monitoring the “surprise medical bills” legislation that is moving forward in the U.S. Senate and House with bipartisan support. These healthcare bills are noteworthy for two reasons. First, the bills could affect any Minnesotan with a self-insured employer-sponsored health plan. According to the ERISA Industry Committee, there are about 181 million Americans who get health care through their employer, and about 100 million of them are in self-insured plans.

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Ted Grindal co-presents CLE at MSBA Health Law Section Annual Meeting

LGN partner Ted Grindal co-presented a CLE session at the annual meeting of the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Health Law section on May 29, 2019. The session, entitled “Minnesota Health Care at Tipping Point – 2019 Legislative Update” focused on recent changes to health care law passed during the recently concluded 2019 Minnesota legislative session.

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LGN partner Ted Grindal co-presented a CLE session at the annual meeting of the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Health Law section on May 29, 2019. The session, entitled “Minnesota Health Care at Tipping Point – 2019 Legislative Update” focused on recent changes to health care law passed during the recently concluded 2019 Minnesota legislative session.

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Kate Baxter-Kauf interviewed on Above the Law podcast

LGN attorney Kate Baxter-Kauf was interviewed on a recent episode of Above the Law’s “The Jabot” podcast, which focuses on the challenges women and other diverse populations face in the legal industry.

In the episode, Kate talks about her path to working in plaintiffs’ side work, getting through law school with an infant, and ways law firms can empower their women attorneys.

You can listen to the full episode here on Spotify or via Apple podcasts here.

LGN supports MN Urban Debate League Mayors’ Challenge

LGN was proud to sponsor the Minnesota Urban Debate League’s Mayors’ Challenge Tournament on June 4, 2019. The event featured Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, the other guest judges who oversaw this year’s debate, and this year’s Champion of Change honoree, Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan.

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LGN was proud to sponsor the Minnesota Urban Debate League’s Mayors’ Challenge Tournament on June 4, 2019. The event featured Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, the other guest judges who oversaw this year’s debate, and this year’s Champion of Change honoree, Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan.

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Charlie Nauen receives Hubert H. Humphrey Award

Congratulations to LGN partner Charlie Nauen on receiving the Minnesota DFL’s Hubert H. Humphrey Award. The award was presented at the DFL’s annual Humphrey-Mondale dinner before an audience of 1,500, including keynote speaker Nancy Pelosi, elected officials, party leaders, and representatives from Minnesota’s unions and businesses. Prior to his acceptance speech, Charlie was introduced via the following video featuring Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter as well as his friend and law partner Ted Grindal.

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Congratulations to LGN partner Charlie Nauen on receiving the Minnesota DFL’s Hubert H. Humphrey Award. The award was presented at the DFL’s annual Humphrey-Mondale dinner before an audience of 1,500, including keynote speaker Nancy Pelosi, elected officials, party leaders, and representatives from Minnesota’s unions and businesses. Prior to his acceptance speech, Charlie was introduced via the following video featuring Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter as well as his friend and law partner Ted Grindal.

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Law 360 Ranks LGN as one of the Best Law Firms for Female Attorneys

Lockridge Grindal Nauen is one of the seven best mid-sized law firms for women lawyers in the country, according to Law 360’s Glass Ceiling Report, released last week. LGN was among 26 mid-sized firms (firms with 50-149 lawyers) and 70 firms of all sizes nationwide who were recognized for having above-average female representation among both partner and non-partner attorneys.

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen is one of the seven best mid-sized law firms for women lawyers in the country, according to Law 360’s Glass Ceiling Report, released last week. LGN was among 26 mid-sized firms (firms with 50-149 lawyers) and 70 firms of all sizes nationwide who were recognized for having above-average female representation among both partner and non-partner attorneys.

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