Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan speaks with students at Boys & Girls Clubs Day at the Capitol

LGN was proud to partner with our client, the Minnesota Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, to organize their annual “Day at the Capitol” event on Wednesday, March 20th. We were honored to have Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan speak with students from across the state who are enrolled with their local Boys & Girls Club to talk about the importance of funding for after-school programs.

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LGN was proud to partner with our client, the Minnesota Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, to organize their annual “Day at the Capitol” event on Wednesday, March 20th. We were honored to have Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan speak with students from across the state who are enrolled with their local Boys & Girls Club to talk about the importance of funding for after-school programs.

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Rick Linsk moderates CLE panel on defamation law

LGN attorney Rick Linsk (left) organized and moderated a continuing legal education panel discussion at the Hennepin County Bar Association on recent developments in Minnesota defamation law. Speakers were lawyers Mark Anfinson (center) and Marshall Tanick (right). Mr. Linsk, who practices civil litigation with LGN and previously was a newspaper journalist for 20-plus years, chairs the HCBA’s Insurance & Torts section.

Members of Minnesota Congressional Delegation speak at MPPOA Congressional Breakfast

Thank you to Congressman Jim Hagedorn, Congressman Pete Stauber, and several other members of Minnesota’s Congressional delegation for speaking with members of the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association at their Congressional Breakfast in Washington, D.C.

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Kate Baxter-Kauf featured at Federal Bar Association’s Rising Professionals Symposium

LGN attorney Kate Baxter-Kauf presented as part of the Federal Bar Association’s Rising Professionals Symposium last month. Her presentation, entitled Now That We’ve Found Standing, What Are We Gonna Do With It? What’s on the Horizon for Data Breach Litigation provided attendees with a status update on retailer, medical, and tech company data breach litigation.

LGN Congratulates MSFA Chair Vekich on his Reappointment

Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. congratulates Michael Vekich on his reappointment by Governor Tim Walz to continue serving as Chair of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA).

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. congratulates Michael Vekich on his reappointment by Governor Tim Walz to continue serving as Chair of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA).

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Susan Ellingstad speaks on panel regarding federal and state Equal Pay Act litigation

LGN Partner Susan Ellingstad recently participated in a panel at the ABA Federal Labor Standards Legislation Committee’s 2019 Midwinter Meeting. The panel discussed litigating and defending pay discrimination class action cases under state and federal law.

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LGN Partner Susan Ellingstad recently participated in a panel at the ABA Federal Labor Standards Legislation Committee’s 2019 Midwinter Meeting. The panel discussed litigating and defending pay discrimination class action cases under state and federal law.

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Nate Mussell previews potential Health Law legislation at MSBA CLE

LGN Partner Nate Mussell participated in a panel with the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Health Law Section CLE on February 15th. The panel offered perspectives on potential changes to health care law during this year’s legislative session in St. Paul. The panel also touched on how a new governor, new committee chairmen, and the country’s only divided state legislature could impact health policy in Minnesota.

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LGN Partner Nate Mussell participated in a panel with the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Health Law Section CLE on February 15th. The panel offered perspectives on potential changes to health care law during this year’s legislative session in St. Paul. The panel also touched on how a new governor, new committee chairmen, and the country’s only divided state legislature could impact health policy in Minnesota.

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Yvonne Flaherty speaking at HarrisMartin Litigation Conference

LGN Partner Yvonne Flaherty will be speaking at HarrisMartin’s 3M Combat Earplugs Litigation Conference on March 7th, 2019. Ms. Flaherty will focus her remarks on Overcoming Jurisdictional Challenges in Earplug Cases.

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LGN Partner Yvonne Flaherty will be speaking at HarrisMartin’s 3M Combat Earplugs Litigation Conference on March 7th, 2019. Ms. Flaherty will focus her remarks on Overcoming Jurisdictional Challenges in Earplug Cases.

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Cards for Hospitalized Kids

LGN Associates gathered together to create cards to be sent to Cards for Hospitalized Kids, an organization that spreads hope, joy & magic to hospitalized kids across America through uplifting, handmade cards.

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LGN Associates gathered together to create cards to be sent to Cards for Hospitalized Kids, an organization that spreads hope, joy & magic to hospitalized kids across America through uplifting, handmade cards.

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LGN’s Greg Myers launches fundraising effort for Big Brothers Big Sisters

As part of its 40 4 40 campaign to celebrate forty years as a law firm, LGN partner Greg Myers created a fundraiser page for Big Brothers Big Sisters “Big Tackles” with Harrison Smith campaign and his page is on track to raise more than $3,700 for BBBS, with most of that coming from folks at LGN. More here

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As part of its 40 4 40 campaign to celebrate forty years as a law firm, LGN partner Greg Myers created a fundraiser page for Big Brothers Big Sisters “Big Tackles” with Harrison Smith campaign and his page is on track to raise more than $3,700 for BBBS, with most of that coming from folks at LGN. More here

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