LGN Partner Susan Ellingstad featured in Wall Street Journal

LGN Partner Susan Ellingstad was recently featured in a Wall Street Journal article discussing the role that employers have in ensuring a high percentage of the population gets vaccinated in an effort to curb the pandemic.

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LGN Partner Susan Ellingstad was recently featured in a Wall Street Journal article discussing the role that employers have in ensuring a high percentage of the population gets vaccinated in an effort to curb the pandemic.

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen Celebrates Capitol Pathways Program

Lockridge Grindal Nauen (LGN) was pleased to have Reen Reinhardt join the firm’s state government relations team for the 2021 Legislative Session as part of the Citizens League Capitol Pathways program. Read about Reen’s experience, in her own words, below. LGN looks forward to participating in today’s Capitol Pathways End of Session Celebration with the Citizens League.

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LGN Partner Susan Ellingstad to Present at the 2021 Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute

LGN partner Susan Ellingstad will be presenting at the 2021 Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute on Monday, May 24thaddressing Hiring 101 – What Can Companies Do and Say?

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen Opening Doors to All in July

Lockridge Grindal Nauen announced it’s fully opening its downtown Minneapolis office on July 6. The firm mandated Covid-19 vaccinations for employees — with some exemptions for medical or religious reasons, but despite those everyone at the firm already has at least one shot, according to Susan Ellingstad, a partner with the firm who’s spearheaded its Covid-19 response efforts.

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen Attorney Files Case on Behalf of Minnesota Farmer

Minnesota farmers have developed incurable Parkinson’s disease from use of Paraquat herbicides.

Lockridge Grindal Nauen (LGN) law firm attorney Yvonne Flaherty, filed a complaint for damages suit in United States District Court, in the District of Minnesota in Rysavy v. Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC; Syngenta AG; Chevron U.S.A., Inc.; and Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP.

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LGN’s Kate Baxter-Kauf Speaks at Class Action Forum

Partner Kate Baxter-Kauf, who practices in the firm’s data breachantitrust lawbusiness litigation, and securities litigation practice groups, recently participated on a panel at the Third Annual Western Alliance Bank Class Action Law Forum, in collaboration with the University of San Diego School of Law.

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LGN Partner Kristen Marttila Serves as a Panelist in Federal Bar Association Webinar

LGN Partner Kristen Marttila recently participated as a panelist for the Federal Bar Association’s webinar Nuts and Bolts of Federal Clerkships, designed to equip law students and newer lawyers from a variety of backgrounds to apply for federal clerkships. Her fellow panelists were the Honorable Rossie D. Alston, Jr., U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, and John S. Moran, a partner with McGuireWoods in Washington, D.C., and moderator Charles B. Molster, III a principal in the Law Offices of Charles B. Molster, III PLLC, in Washington, D.C.

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Congratulations to LGN’s newest partner, Rebecca Peterson

Lockridge Grindal Nauen is proud to announce that Rebecca Peterson is a partner in the firm’s class action group with a focus on consumer protection, product liability, and pet food regulation cases, and accompanying regulatory issues.

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Lockridge Grindal Nauen is proud to announce that Rebecca Peterson is a partner in the firm’s class action group with a focus on consumer protection, product liability, and pet food regulation cases, and accompanying regulatory issues.

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LGN Attorney Rachel Kitze Collins Profiled in Lawyers of ACS

LGN Attorney Rachel Kitze Collins serves as the Co-President of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter of the American Constitution Society and was recently profiled in the January 2021 publication of Lawyers of ACS, a monthly publication by ACS National featuring ACS leaders and members from around the country, which is distributed to ACS Chapters in more than 50 cities across the United States.

The full feature can be found below and on the ACS website.

Lawyers of ACS, January 2021 – Rachel Kitzen Collins
My upbringing instilled in me a passion for social justice and a love of the environment. In college, political science and environmental studies were natural choices for my majors, although I resisted for a while the assumption that I would attend law school. But after internships in Washington, DC, at Environment America, a local nonprofit in Northfield, Minnesota, and in the legal clinics at William Mitchell College of Law (now Mitchell Hamline), I decided that pursuing a law degree was the best way to follow my passions and make a difference.

LGN Attorneys File Amicus Brief on Behalf of COSAL

LGN attorneys Charles NauenHeidi SiltonJoe BrucknerKristen Marttila, and Justin Erickson, on behalf of the Committee to Support the Antitrust Laws (“COSAL”), filed an amicus brief supporting the petition for rehearing en banc in the Eleventh Circuit in Johnson v. NPAS Solutions, LLC. In Johnson, a divided panel categorically banned courts from granting service awards to class representatives.

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