Rick Linsk chairs CLE event featuring journalists and lawyers
LGN attorney Rick Linsk helped organize and moderated a CLE event, “Approaching the Bar – Journalists and Lawyers Face Off,” held May 18, 2017 at Kieran’s Irish Pub in Minneapolis. The event, presented by the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Civil Litigation Section and co-sponsored by the section and the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (“SPJ”), featured a panel discussion on how lawyers and the media can better understand each other.
Pictured are Chief Judge John R. Tunheim, United States District Court for the District of Minnesota; Amy Forliti, Associated Press; Trisha Volpe, Barnes & Thornburg, LLP; Mr. Linsk; Ruben Rosario, St. Paul Pioneer Press; Barbara Jones, Minnesota Lawyer; Stephen Montemayor, Star Tribune; and Barry Edwards, Barry S. Edwards Law Office.
Mr. Linsk is a former newspaper journalist who practices primarily in LGN’s health-care and insurance and consumer-law areas.